Sunday, October 05, 2008

Maddie's Pet Lizard

Many of you know of Maddie's love for frogs... and turtles... and snakes... may reptiles and amphibians... and worms, etc. Well, I managed to catch a little bitty lizard not too long ago. I brought this lizard I brought him home in an empty water bottle and gave Grandparents instructions to let Maddie hold the lizard and let him go. BUT..... you know how Maddie can be sooooooo convincing. And Grandma Shelia is especially incapable of saying no. So we returned from Auburn to find that we had a new pet in our family. I went to pet smart to get lizard food. I was talked into some small crickets. ewww... he hasn't eaten any yet. he's also been pinned against the wall of the crab box turned lizard sanctuary by the fake rock water bowl we got him. Poor guy.

"Nice to meetcha, Mr. Wizard" She said....

He's been a great pet... not that he had a choice. Maddie would hold him between her fingers and do EVERYTHING... slide, climb on her play set, chase neighbors, pick crab apples, etc. She really did enjoy having him. I'm not sure how much longer he'll survive with the gimpy limbs that have been squished repeatedly... and the hunger strike.

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