Sunday, October 19, 2008

Georgia on my mind...

We are going back in time a bit... We went to meet the two newest members of the Turner Brood- Asher and Avery Maurice- the twins born to Q's only sister - Desiree, and her husband Mike. The babies were born in Atlanta on Friday, October 10. We went to the Aquarium while in Atlanta... good time... but we still love Chattanooga's Ocean Tour, too.

These pictures are out of order... This was the END of our tour... she had had enough. We uprooted her from the stroller for ONE last photo op... it was the straw that broke the camel's back, as they say.

Some miracle... a kind tourist took a fairly decent family picture to mark the occasion.

We didn't even make it out of the parking garage...

Sydney got a new Walrus!


The walk through tunnel was quite amazing...

Belugas! Ask Maddie about these guys sometime.

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