Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Beach!

While the boys played golf, the rest of us played in the pool. Sydney, Grandma, Josh, Christina, Juliet, Maddie, (and look closely to see my feet!)

Sydney and Granddaddy!


Not the HIGHLIGHT of the beach trip- but riding the cart was fun, of course!

Poor Sydney. She was WORN out! Yes. She fell asleep at the table during lunch... poor girl.

Maddie enjoyed the pool of water that had collected in a valley of the beach. It could have been a "tide pool" but it appeared more like a "cess pool!" But... it had schools of minnows. Mom caught some! and we caught a tadpole, too!

During a nighttime crab hunt, Granddaddy and Josh caught a sand crab. Granddaddy bought a crab box... which came with a FREE hermit crab. Maddie thought they were both HER pets. Oops. We kept the crabs all day, and Josh, Maddie, Granddaddy, Carrie, and Christina went on a nighttime crab hunt that night. They let the sand crab go, and caught a few more (which were released that night.) Josh and Maddie BOTH got a hermit crab to take home.
(Thanks Granddaddy!)

Crab hunting at night... Baby sand crabs.

The hotel had a "splash pad" that the girls really loved.

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