Friday, July 11, 2008


The kids had a great time splashing around in the water streams outside the aquarium. I think that was the most fun they had all day, even though we know they enjoyed the aquarium, too!

Maddie, Pierson, and Sydney. We could NEVER get a picture of all three looking! Go figure. That's what happens with a nearly one-year-old, a two year old, and a nearly three-year-old.

Someone should tell her it's not a pool for swimming.

Maddie, Daddy, and turtles!

"Come here, birdie. It's ok. Come here. I like you. It's ok. Come here!"

My camera has an "aquarium" setting, but it wasn't good at aquarium plus people.

I spy a BLUE frog!

I praticularly giggled at these three frogs. Something about butt kissing came to mind.

I spy a butterfly!

Maddie wanted a closer look.

Maddie and Pierson.
I spy a BIG crab. Maddie kept calling it a spider.

Wonder and awe.

Wonder and awe for two.

Dad and Mad

Maddie and Sydney! (Syd is soooooo close to walking! Soon!)

Phil and Pierson, Q and Sydney, Carrie and Maddie.
Amanda didn't make this picture since she was behind the camera.

Pierson and the penguins. They were the first stop of the day. I'm not sure Pierson understood that the penguins couldn't make it through the glass, he was a bit startled when this one dove at him. He actually fell off the little ledge RIGHT after this was taken. No worries, he wasn't hurt!

Maddie and the penguins!

Sharks... Fish.. and kids. Sydney WAVED to the fish and tapped the glass (sorry fishies) and Maddie declared that that shark was Bruce (of Finding Nemo).

It was a fabulous day! We enjoyed adult company, and Maddie and Pierson kept each other and the adults entertained! Syd stayed awake for the entire tour- river and ocean! She was asleep before we bucked Maddie in! We saw Nemo, Dorrie, Bruce, and all the other really important characters from Finding Nemo.

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