Saturday, July 21, 2007

Maddie's a BIG SISTER!

Maddie is proving to be great big sister! "See her? Hold her?" and she calls her "My baby... Baby Sydney." Today she came in during Syd's diaper change - she was fussing a bit- and Maddie said "Baby Sydney crying... Sydney's hungry."

She loves to hold her... for a minute or two, at least... and she giggles and smiles.

She climbed right up into bed with Mommy and Sydney the first time she met her. Very curious, and she tries to be gentle around Mommy. "Mommy got a bo-boo... Kiss it? Make it all better?" Such a sweetie!

1 comment:

  1. Oh how cute! The two most precious little sisters in the universe! Thanks for sharing!

    Erin Owens
