Friday, July 27, 2007

Alien Baby

Sydney was a little jaundiced upon her release from the hospital Monday. We went back for a recheck of her levels and they had gone up (we wanted them to go down). So our doctor prescribed some time on a photo therapy bed- a light box bed.

Unlike the ones used in the hospital, Sydney sleeps with her back to the light and therefore doesn't have to wear the funny glasses to protect her eyes.

She didn't like it at first... Especially the sleeves of the wrap...

so now we lay her in with her arms free.

So sweet...
They say the beds are "harder" on moms and dads than on babies. She was supposed to be on the light all the time, day and night, unless she was being fed or changed or bathed. So we didn't get nearly enough cuddle time... But! The good news is that she's checked out fine, so after 48 hours of the light bed - she's done! And she's almost back up to nine pounds, so she's gaining weight well.. and just ask us about the trajectory and arc of the projectile poop that hit the nurse and Daddy at the doctors' office. Funny, FUNNY story...

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