Friday, July 27, 2007

Alien Baby

Sydney was a little jaundiced upon her release from the hospital Monday. We went back for a recheck of her levels and they had gone up (we wanted them to go down). So our doctor prescribed some time on a photo therapy bed- a light box bed.

Unlike the ones used in the hospital, Sydney sleeps with her back to the light and therefore doesn't have to wear the funny glasses to protect her eyes.

She didn't like it at first... Especially the sleeves of the wrap...

so now we lay her in with her arms free.

So sweet...
They say the beds are "harder" on moms and dads than on babies. She was supposed to be on the light all the time, day and night, unless she was being fed or changed or bathed. So we didn't get nearly enough cuddle time... But! The good news is that she's checked out fine, so after 48 hours of the light bed - she's done! And she's almost back up to nine pounds, so she's gaining weight well.. and just ask us about the trajectory and arc of the projectile poop that hit the nurse and Daddy at the doctors' office. Funny, FUNNY story...

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Going Home!

Sydney is dressed and ready to go home from the hospital! And she's awake!

... and now she's asleep! We think she looks like an angel!

Sydney is laying on the hand-knit blanket that her Daddy was wrapped in when he left the hospital. And she's wearing the dress that Mommy wore home from the hospital... and Mommy wore the crochet booties, too. Madeline wore the same dress, booties, and blanket home from the hospital almost two years ago.

Pretty girl!

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Sydney Jo Turner

Sydney Jo Turner
July 20, 2007... 7:19 am...
9 lbs 7 oz, 20.5 in.
A beautiful baby girl!

Sydney followed Maddie's example and arrived "transverse breech"- aka sideways, and back down... which made her hard to get out... It was a two person job! But surgery went off smoothly, less than an hour from the first cut to recovery. Our Dr. and Q agreed that Sydney had a big head... and the OR staff predicted she was a "nine pounder." She's got 2 ounces on her big sister, but wasn't QUITE as tall. She's very strong and can already lift her head up.

Snoozing in the baby bassinet.

Mommy and Sydney cuddling.

Daddy and his precious little girl... He's wrapped around her little fingers already.

Maddie's a BIG SISTER!

Maddie is proving to be great big sister! "See her? Hold her?" and she calls her "My baby... Baby Sydney." Today she came in during Syd's diaper change - she was fussing a bit- and Maddie said "Baby Sydney crying... Sydney's hungry."

She loves to hold her... for a minute or two, at least... and she giggles and smiles.

She climbed right up into bed with Mommy and Sydney the first time she met her. Very curious, and she tries to be gentle around Mommy. "Mommy got a bo-boo... Kiss it? Make it all better?" Such a sweetie!

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

God Bless America

Mommy pushed Maddie's Star-Spangled Little Tykes Car in the Annual neighborhood parade! There was a real police escort! ... Then we shared a blue popsicle... and then we had to launder her American flag shirt! Gotta love the Fourth of July!

New Yoplait Spokesperson

Maddie would be a great poster child for their Whips! Yogurt, don't you think?

I'm wondering if the Whips make for a good facial? And what about a hair treatment? We'll let you know!

Needless to say, she ate this container of yogurt all by herself! No "mommy help" at all!