Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

Here's a peek at our Halloween Eve...

The girls had Halloween parties at school.

Then we came home and carved our pumpkins...

The Annual Pumpkin Carving...
Q's- Team Q Logo, Maddie's- Curious George, Syd's- Frankenstein, Carrie's - Aubie

"Wickedly Cute " Jammies!

(No, I am not a crazy woman. I do not ALWAYS purchase matching pajamas for holidays!
They were on clearance for $4 last fall! And too cute and cheap to resist!)

Here's a sneak peek at the Costume Dress Rehearsal this past weekend.

What can I say? She really loves frogs!

I was going for the "E.T." shot... but it didn't turn out quite right...

Maddie was ROCKING the rocker.. Syd almost tumbled off. She loved it!

She and Fred look a lot alike, here... hmmm...

Blue-eyed monkey!

This is the best shot I could get!

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