Monday, October 19, 2009

Lily Flagg

After 9 years of teaching Huntsville History to third graders, I FINALLY made it to the Maple Hill Cemetery Stroll! I had two little girls in tow, so we didn't meet everyone on the tour. We did hear from Dr. Thomas Fearn- who named Monte Sano- "Mountain of Health." The Black Widow of Huntsville- seven husbands died! We met Mary Chambers Bibb who accidentally drank boric acid - and suffered a painful death... but was still married to her sweetheart. Her mausoleum was the first in Maple Hill- which caused rumors that she was buried in a rocking chair... hmmm.. and of course- the highlight was meeting Lily FLagg- Samuel Moore's prize-winning cow!

Maddie and Sydney also got to play some dulcimers thanks to Mrs. Henderson and Mrs. Beveridge.