Sunday, December 28, 2008

The Newest.. CUTEST Catholics!

This is the best we could do! We wanted to get a picture of our family with the twins... Ha!

Mom, Dad, Avery, and Asher.

The happy family.

Kayla, Gavin, Kim, Avery, Asher, Kyell, Courtney, and McKenzie.

Kim, Avery, Asher, and Kyell

Melissa, Asher, Avery, and her Godfather, Uncle Zack.

Quitman and his Godson- Asher, Carrie and her Goddaughter, Avery.

Melissa and Avery.

Zack, Melissa, and Avery. They will be great parents one day!


Silly Boys! These glasses made the Christmas lights look like snowmwen, snowflakes, etc.

Silly Pictures!

We couldn't get a real smile out of her... silly Maddie.


Awww... such pretty girls!

Three generations! Avery wore a VERY special gown for the baptism. Grandma Shelia made this dress by hand... from her own wedding dress! So special.

The PROUD grandparents!

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