Sunday, December 28, 2008

The Newest.. CUTEST Catholics!

This is the best we could do! We wanted to get a picture of our family with the twins... Ha!

Mom, Dad, Avery, and Asher.

The happy family.

Kayla, Gavin, Kim, Avery, Asher, Kyell, Courtney, and McKenzie.

Kim, Avery, Asher, and Kyell

Melissa, Asher, Avery, and her Godfather, Uncle Zack.

Quitman and his Godson- Asher, Carrie and her Goddaughter, Avery.

Melissa and Avery.

Zack, Melissa, and Avery. They will be great parents one day!


Silly Boys! These glasses made the Christmas lights look like snowmwen, snowflakes, etc.

Silly Pictures!

We couldn't get a real smile out of her... silly Maddie.


Awww... such pretty girls!

Three generations! Avery wore a VERY special gown for the baptism. Grandma Shelia made this dress by hand... from her own wedding dress! So special.

The PROUD grandparents!

Counsis? Once-removed? Who knows?

"Collins-Side" Cuties.
from left to right: Sisters Rylan & Micah (daughters of Kevin & Templa) Henry (son of Bryant & Elise Morris) Then Maddie & Sydney.
Bryant and Kevin are brothers, and they are my cousins.
So what does that make the kiddos? Cousins once-removed?

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Rocket City Marathon 2008

Saturday Morning we woke up and got ready to hit the Marathon Course. Q was disappointed that he wasn't able to train for and participate in the Rocket City Marathon for what would have been his 4th year in a row. In fact, you may remember that he hoped to train and run despite Chemo treatments (in the beginning). However, he just couldn't do it. Since Q couldn't do it, three special people stepped up to run it for him! Mark Guttensohn, a HS Swim Buddy, fellow adventure racer, and great friend from Memphis finished the race at 4hrs 5 min. Q talked Mark and another friend from Memphis, Chris, into running the Marathon last year. They managed to cross the finish line all together! COOL! And both Chris and Mark swore that they'd NEVER run a marathon again... but Mark did one more for Q! (He swore...again... that this was the LAST one... Really!) Our incredible sisters-in-laws, Melissa and Rachel ran as well. Melissa, Zach's wife, crossed the finish line at 5hrs and 36 minutes! Rachel, Ben's wife, crossed the finish line at 5hrs and 48 minutes! Their FIRST marathons!


Melissa and Rachael giving Maddie Hi-Fives!

Q and I drove all over Huntsville with the girls trying to catch the three runners at various points along the route. We wore our Team Q gear, and so did the runners!

Melissa stops to give Maddie a hug near mile 17.

Maddie and Mark's neice, Jordan. Jordan is one of our favorite baby sitters!

Q missed Mark at the finish... it's his fault since he ran so darn fast! He shaved nearly 23 minutes off his time from last year, GEEZ!

Mark even drew the Running Q on his leg. All three said that throughout the course, people cheered for "Team Q" and "Quitman Turner" by name! AWESOME! We missed Mark at the finish line, and I missed both Rachael and Melissa on one of the last planned rendezvous points due to Maddie's necessary potty breaks. However, I think Q has a little more appreciation for how stressful it is to navigate the course as a spectator and make every rendezvous point! (I was so afraid that I'd miss him at one marker we had planned, that I went to the next one. He STILL won't let me forget how his spirit suffered during the long gap!) Anyway, Q was both proud and humbled that Mark, Melissa, and Rachael all ran the marathon for him. I know that the act was not simply something that took 6 hours of a Saturday morning! They have trained for months to do it right, and they certainly have every reason to be proud of their achievements!

We saw some wounds of the Marathon- Mark had a bloody shoe... And Melissa had a BEAUTIFUL blood blister on her foot. Rachael had been battling an upset stomach and dizziness for the last 10 miles of the race... and we admire their determination.

Mark is the friend who set up the Team Q merchandise at Cafe Press. Many of you will remember when that first developed. Mark connected with the C3 Colorectal Cancer Coalition to use their "Cover Your Butt" logo on the back of all the Team Q Running gear. He also designated that organization to receive all profits. Happily, a $75 donation has already been submitted! Thanks to all those who have joined Team Q! A few of you have asked for the link again...

But we were all waiting for Melissa and Rachael. Q walked out to meet them at the last turn. He jogged with Melissa for a small piece of the final stretch. It may have been the cold wind, but I think I saw Q get a bit teary! Melissa had a friend who hijacked the announcer's loudspeaker, so her fellow teacher friend was calling her name from the final turn to the finish line! Melissa crossed the finish line smiling, clapping, and running with great strength and form! Q trekked back to the final turn and joined up with Rachael to join her for a small piece of her last stretch. She crossed the finish line with just as much pride, grace, and strength. Incredible.

Q and Melissa run together for a moment.

Smiling.. as always!
Melissa crosses the finish line!

Q ran with Rachael for a moment.

Rachael closes in!

The Two Turner Female Finishers!

So Proud!