Friday, November 28, 2008


The Turners had a break from tradition! We headed to Atlanta to celebrate Thanksgiving with Q's side of the family. Those who could make it traveled to ATL so that We could share the holiday with Desiree's family. The new babies aren't quite cleared for the long trip home, so we traveled to them!
We had a GREAT time! SHort trip, but filled with lots of baby snuggles and laughter!
Here are some miscellaneous photos.
It's rare that they play long without someone getting upset. We are working so hard on SHARING and not WHINING... and we try to help Sydney understand she can't beat her big sister up!

Grandma's new man!

Poppa says "I can always put the girls to sleep..."

Not that I claim to be an expert. I just am not afraid to have a downright photo shoot with babies... Maddie had many! Sydney had some, too... though not as many. I know you have to take 200 shots to get 5 that make your heart swell. So Des and I set to it! Here are some highlights.

Ok. call me crazy, but this is one of the favorite pictures I took. As soon as I saw it through the lens, I was so excited!

Still cute! And Such BLUE eyes!

I LOVE a baby yawn!

Cute pink and blue feet!

Avery appears to be smiling! And Asher is just chillin!

Aren't they precious! One of the FEW pictures where Avery and Asher BOTH had eyes open!

He looks like he's dreaming of something wonderful!

Yawn Part II

Maddie kissing her cousin, Asher... "he's a boy baby..."

Maddie holding Avery... "she's the girl baby...."

Uncle Ben, Mommy, and Avery.


Aunt Desi was so calm and patient with Maddie, who can be a BIT rambunctious, you know.... But the babies survived our visit without incident!

2 beautiful Maurice Girls!(Now we know where all the good looks come from- Sorry Dad!)

Sunday, November 23, 2008


My sister, Christina, is here with her husband- Matt- and two children- Josh and Juliet. They live in Florida. We see them about 7-10 days of the year. We welcomed them to town with a casual pizza dinner. We invited our cousin, Kevin, and his wife, Templa, and their daughters- Micah and Rylan over, too. My parents rounded out the crowd !
We managed to get all six kiddos on the couch!
Rylan, Maddie, Sydney, Juliet, Josh, Micah

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Noodle Kiss

We had a fun dinner tonight. Noodle Kiss!
Like Lady and the Tramp- Maddie's most recent favorite movie!

Lots of giggles!


Saturday, November 01, 2008


Maddie and Ella helped me make cupcakes last weekend!
Halloween Funfetti.

Maddie licked the scraper...

Ella licked the bowl...

Ella's Mom, Missy, helped finish the cupcakes off.

Since they are WEARING the cupcakes AND smiles I'm sure they're good!

We had gone to the Carnival for Holy Spirit School that morning.
That's where the tiger tattoo and red clown noses came from.

Alexa and Sydney

Too cute for "words..."

We really wish Sydney would use some words, but in the mean time... she's pretty cute.