Thursday, October 11, 2007

Chuck E Cheese

We took the girls for their first trip to Chuck E Cheese in September. We went with Lee and Steph and their twins Jackson and Allie. They are 6 months older than Maddie. We had great time.

Maddie rode Chuck E Cheese the most. She went to see the life sized anima-tronic characters that sing and move on stage and kept saying "in't gonna hurt you... they're nice..." but she wasn't a BIG fan... She had to have Daddy's help to climb in the above ground tunnels. Thankfully everyone came out alright!

can you see a sleeping Sydney? She was a good girl... I'm sure she'll be as big a fan as Maddie is one day!

She redeemed her tickets for some lizards and sunglasses. She took the lizards to bed that night...

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