Friday, October 19, 2007

Tate Farm

Enjoy the slide show! We had a great time! Maddie petted bunnies, pigs, goats, and dogs. She picked a green pumpkin from the pumpkin patch. We rode a hayride... So much fun!

The screen is small on our blog so the pictures don't get cut off. You can click the pictures at any time and see the Slide show bigger on "original view" or see them bigger on "gallery view" and watch them one at a time as you navigate. These choices will be at the top right corner when you click and are redirected. Pretty cool!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

How much

is that FROGGY in the window?
Ribbit Ribbit!

Right before this picture was taken Maddie had been outside with us looking at the frogs that gather near our front porch lights to feast on bugs that are drawn to the light. She told us she wanted to touch it... and we picked her up and she touched it. And it jumped off the window and into her hair. then it fell to the ground. We continued to torment it until it jumped out of our reach, but luckily onto the window where we could still enjoy it!

Yes, I do need to wash the windows.

Little Momma

Baby "Bear" Bjorn

The Ice Cream Truck

Go ahead, call us bad parents. The Ice Cream truck visited our neighborhood often during the summer, and we always distracted Maddie and never bought her ice cream... we just called it the Music Truck.... usually because we didn't have cash... or we didn't want to have to fork over money for ice cream when we had some in the freezer...

But... this Saturday Q was assembling our new swing set in the hot sun after the Auburn Victory... and when we heard the Music... we scrambled to find some cash. Aunt Desi was visiting, too... so she and Maddie and I went walking to find the elusive "Music Truck." We had all but given up when he passed by our street..

so we waited patiently by the mailbox...

clutching our money...

We said "please" and "Thank-you."

Maddie got a Dreamsicle. It matched her Auburn Cheerleader Uniform...

She and Daddy enjoyed their ice cream on the partially completed swing set.

It was "kinda messy."

War Eagle!

Aunt Desi gave half of her lemon ice to Maddie...


Indie helped us clean up. She licked up all the sticky drips she could find!

That was Maddie's FIRST experience with the Ice Cream Truck!

Chuck E Cheese

We took the girls for their first trip to Chuck E Cheese in September. We went with Lee and Steph and their twins Jackson and Allie. They are 6 months older than Maddie. We had great time.

Maddie rode Chuck E Cheese the most. She went to see the life sized anima-tronic characters that sing and move on stage and kept saying "in't gonna hurt you... they're nice..." but she wasn't a BIG fan... She had to have Daddy's help to climb in the above ground tunnels. Thankfully everyone came out alright!

can you see a sleeping Sydney? She was a good girl... I'm sure she'll be as big a fan as Maddie is one day!

She redeemed her tickets for some lizards and sunglasses. She took the lizards to bed that night...