Saturday, September 22, 2007

Banana Puddin'

Mommy made "Not yo' Mama's Banana Pudding" today.
SOMEONE helped me clean the bowl and spoon.

I can remember how much fun it was to lick the bowl and spoon as a kid...
This was Maddie's first experience! I'm sure she'll have many more!

Indie REALLY wanted a lick, too!
But she didn't get any...

Thursday, September 20, 2007


Two pretty Girls!

What's cookin'?

Cuddling on the couch...

I was in the kitchen doing the dishes and heard Maddie say over and over again... "I Lovin' Abbey.." and she was giggling... so I went to see what all the fuss was. Abbey is usually quick enough to escape Maddie's clutches. In fact, Maddie follows her and screams "Very Soft, Abbey!" because we tell her she has to be "very soft" with Abbey, the dogs, and other creatures like Baby Sydney... I caught a picture before I talked Maddie into letting Abbey go... much to Abbey's relief. She jumped behind our dresser and hid for the rest of the day...
it was quite a traumatic experience...

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Sydney's First Smiles and Coos!

Sydney has become more talkative in the last week or so. We are also beginning to see SMILES! And No- they are definitely not gas, as people sometimes claim!

I've learned how to clip videos and add titles... I'm in the big time!

Monday, September 03, 2007

Auburn Family

Move over, Martha Stewart

"The more you stir it up, the more air gets into the egg.. the fluffier it will be. And fluffy eggs are a very good thing..." (In the style of Martha Stewart)

Madeline is becoming quite a good pretend chef.. so we've let her try her hand at the real thing. She loves eggs for breakfast... so now she scrambles her own egg, then we cook it up for her.

Here she is "making egg" for Mommy and Daddy!

She's "making sandwich" now!

Emerill ain't got nothin' on me! BAM!

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Ridin' Indie

People have told us: "You don't have dogs.. those are horses!" and many have suggested we get a saddle and let Maddie ride them! Well... Maddie agrees. We don't have a saddle and Barley would never go for it, but Indie is a good girl! Great dogs we have!