Monday, October 19, 2009

Lily Flagg

After 9 years of teaching Huntsville History to third graders, I FINALLY made it to the Maple Hill Cemetery Stroll! I had two little girls in tow, so we didn't meet everyone on the tour. We did hear from Dr. Thomas Fearn- who named Monte Sano- "Mountain of Health." The Black Widow of Huntsville- seven husbands died! We met Mary Chambers Bibb who accidentally drank boric acid - and suffered a painful death... but was still married to her sweetheart. Her mausoleum was the first in Maple Hill- which caused rumors that she was buried in a rocking chair... hmmm.. and of course- the highlight was meeting Lily FLagg- Samuel Moore's prize-winning cow!

Maddie and Sydney also got to play some dulcimers thanks to Mrs. Henderson and Mrs. Beveridge.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Saturday, April 04, 2009

Dogwood 2009

Hello Everyone... I am sorry that it's been sooooooo long since I posted anything on the blog. I began to type this post... about 3 weeks ago! So I apoiogize for being so tardy with the updates! ..... We went to visit the Huntsville Botanical Gardens. Specifically ... we knew that the Historic Dogwood was in full bloom this weekend! It usually is during Palm Sunday week! Any of you who have known us for 4 years... We have been visiting the dogwood and taking a "family picture" since 2001- when I was pregnant with Maddie. Then we had just Maddie... then Maddie with Sydney in my belly... then both girls last year... this year we chased Sydney and Maddie around under the tree. When we woke up this morning, I told Maddie that we were going to the big tree. She said, "Can we go inside the tree? I like to go inside the dog tree at the candy garden." Then she was very animated as she told Q what we were going to do today. "Botanical Gardens" was a little tough to remember, I guess. Or maybe she was confusing it with "kindergarten." Who knows.

Seeing the giant dogwood is really amazing. It's gorgeous. It is something that I really look forward to, every year! I also love having our family picture made there. I'm pleased that Maddie's already got some "memory" of it, and I look forward to continuing the tradition for our family. We timed our trip today with the Moyer family. Phil is a friend of Q's from high school. He married an amazing girl- Amanda- a gifted photographer and artist- a favorite friend of MINE... And they have two precious boys... Pierson is nearly 3 and Payne is 8 months or so. Amanda took some awesome pictures of us (in the hospital!) when Syd was born, and we roped her into coming with us last year to be our family's private photographer. This year she and Phil had their first family photos at "the tree." They hope that this is the start of THEIR family tradition... Since we love them so much we will be happy to share the tradition year after year!

Anyway, at the tree, Maddie found a little caterpillar. Ya'll know Maddie loves LOVES LOVES creatures that crawl... slither.. scamper... etc! She was in love. She wanted to take him home, but we talked her into letting him stay behind on the tree. Then we met some more on the walk out of the park. We met about 12 on the walk out! Only... sadly... one didn't survive our encounter. Sydney gripped one a little too tight... She didn't want to put him down OR let him share with Maddie.

Sydney and Mommy.

Sisterly love...


This year Mom and Maddie posed... copying the faces of the tree people...
"You gotta pucker up your lips like 'dis..." - Sebastian, The Little Mermaid.

Maddie and Pierson...

See the furry caterpillar?

Critter lover.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

"Tiny Dancer"

This is from December. But still cute.

Thanks to Granddaddy who went to "visiting day" at Dance Class!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Christmas... overdue.

Mom's a little scary.. but everyone else looks great!

She was more excited than she looks about the stained glass Holy Family nativity ornament that our talented neighbor, Annette made.

I saw Maddie kissin'...

I saw Granddaddy kissing Santa Claus!

Merry Christmas!

Maddie "helped" Granddaddy open all his gifts.

Smiles on Christmas morning!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

The Newest.. CUTEST Catholics!

This is the best we could do! We wanted to get a picture of our family with the twins... Ha!

Mom, Dad, Avery, and Asher.

The happy family.

Kayla, Gavin, Kim, Avery, Asher, Kyell, Courtney, and McKenzie.

Kim, Avery, Asher, and Kyell

Melissa, Asher, Avery, and her Godfather, Uncle Zack.

Quitman and his Godson- Asher, Carrie and her Goddaughter, Avery.

Melissa and Avery.

Zack, Melissa, and Avery. They will be great parents one day!


Silly Boys! These glasses made the Christmas lights look like snowmwen, snowflakes, etc.

Silly Pictures!

We couldn't get a real smile out of her... silly Maddie.


Awww... such pretty girls!

Three generations! Avery wore a VERY special gown for the baptism. Grandma Shelia made this dress by hand... from her own wedding dress! So special.

The PROUD grandparents!

Counsis? Once-removed? Who knows?

"Collins-Side" Cuties.
from left to right: Sisters Rylan & Micah (daughters of Kevin & Templa) Henry (son of Bryant & Elise Morris) Then Maddie & Sydney.
Bryant and Kevin are brothers, and they are my cousins.
So what does that make the kiddos? Cousins once-removed?