Sunday, August 31, 2008

Tiny Dancer

For many months Maddie has told me "I gotta go to dance class, Mommy!" We think it was something she picked up from our neighbors and Maddie's favorite friends, Ella and Alexa. So, we decided to enroll her! The first day came... she looked PRECIOUS! We had our tap and ballet shoes READY! We went to class, and she had a meltdown! The combination of no nap, starting preschool at the same time, and an undetected ear-infection and possible hand, foot, mouth contributed to a tearful experience. Being a teacher, I was mortified that when we finally DID get her to sit on her letter as directed, she pouted ... didn't follow directions, and was a general nuisance. We didn't stay. it was ROUGH! The second class went much better! She still covers her ears when the class taps their shoes together. Time will tell if she warms up to the experience. She can tell you though. "Mom's so proud cause I didn't cry at dance class. I was a good listener. "

War Eagle!

I told you that she couldn't smile without her tongue!

We enjoyed the Auburn game in the company of friends. Q wishes that he felt better, but he's glad Auburn won.

Feeling Froggy

Madeline LOVES to see the frogs on our porch. They come ALMOST every night when the weather is nice. We caught two one day... and then let them go.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

"I caught a Sydney today!"

Maddie REALLY loves her butterfly net. We haven't caught any butterflies, yet... but she's caught something else.

Saturday, August 09, 2008

2007-I mean 2008! Portraits

Well, we have pictures of the girls at 3,6,9 & 12 months. We did a family picture of Maddie and Us when she was 12 months, so we did it again with Syd. Maddie's 3, Sydney's 1. Q and I won't share our ages!

She looks like a very big girl to us!

This is Sydney's serious face.

It was hard to capture their BEST expressions in the same picture...
so we took what we could get!

But aren't they cute!

Sydney seems to smile with her tongue.


When we asked Maddie to smile, we got a version of this funny face. Yikes!

Sydney's 1!

Yes. That's icing on her feet. And then she stood up and SAT on the cake next. Ha.

But she's worth big messes! What a precious girl she is!

Saturday, August 02, 2008


Maddie's Fish!

She told me that for her birthday she wanted a blue fish.

She named him Romeo (because our neighbors have a blue beta named Romeo).

Later she renamed him Nemo.

She's very upset that she can't touch him.

But she and her froggies enjoy watching him.