Saturday, May 31, 2008

We're famous!

Ok. Not really. We had a connection to Huntsville Times through our neighbor. They called for parents of new babies to share their "hopes and dreams" for their new bundle of joy in their Growing Up Magazine. This is the Maternity 2008 Issue. It's free and available all over town at baby stuff retailers.

Our scanner is on the fritz, so I hope the picture will be good enough. It SHOULD be available to read online, but I can't find it yet. We will include that link when we can.

Friday, May 30, 2008

A typical day...

We are good entertainment. And one more instance proving that Indie is the best family dog in the world!

The real "Baby Einstein..."

Her hair was all mussed after a nap. We saw a striking resemblence to Albert.
Of course, she's going to be a genius, too!

Our First Trip to the Pool! 2008

Sydney donned a mermaid bikini for her first trip to our neighborhood pool. She tolerated the "big" pool. She held on tight, that's for sure!

Maddie and Sydney BOTH enjoyed the baby pool even more.

Q and Syd... hangin' out in the kiddie pool!

Nemo towel!

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Worms and Caterpillars!

no... not bubbles- a CATERPILLAR!

He's furry and cute! "Can I take him in the house?" - No.

Poor Guy. He had a rough day. He'll be glad when he can fly away from Maddie's little hands!

WORMS! At the beginning of the day Maddie was a little nervous about the worms... she didn't want to hold them. She wanted ME to hold them so she could see them. "Herman the Worm."

Maddie got over that pretty fast. Before long she was picking them up with her bare hands and carrying them ALL OVER our yard. She gave them baths in her toys. Whad a day!
