Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Happy Birthday Serenade

Maddie LOVES to sing Happy Birthday... and it just so happens that today was Grandma Martha's Birthday!

I'm ready for my Close-up, Mr. Demille

When Maddie was 6 weeks old we had lots more pictures of her... and I had sent 100 handmade announcements out already... So.. I took some pictures with the intention of capturing Sydney's cuteness for a darling announcement... here are some cute shots that won't make the announcement but are still worth seeing.

Gotta love a baby's butt!

Monday, August 27, 2007

Born to Shop?

Mommy, Maddie, and Sydney went shopping today. Here's the highlight reel!
Maddie played with a boy named Daniel while mommy gave baby Sydney her bottle. Daniel shared his red hummer toy with Maddie. When he left, Maddie resorted to entertaining herself... the caption for this shot is... "Maddie stuck.." she climbed into this opening in the Babies 'R' us nursing lounge changing table... Bad mommy that I am, I took a picture before I helped her out. rest assured... No Maddies were hurt in the taking of this picture.

Mommy and Maddie have found a new chair! We'll need two, though.. one for Sydney when she gets older!

DUMBO! Anyone who spends time with Maddie knows that she LOVES DUMBO! We've sat on Dumbo at least three times. And every time she's freaked out when he begins to move and jumped off. Once another little boy was eager to jump on and enjoy the ride we had paid for... but THIS time, Maddie was such a big girl.. she put the money in herself, pressed the green button, and held on tight! ALL BY HERSELF! Without fussing... until the end when Dumbo and his music stopped. Then she fussed. She did it all again! So she rode twice... and mommy was out of quarters...

I Love Daddy

Maddie's shirt says it all...

Daddy's crocs fit Maddie... with room to spare!

Maddie and daddy play catch.. with Maddie... not a ball.



Wednesday, August 22, 2007


When Maddie became a big sister last month, Monique, One of our friends gave Maddie a musical card that plays the "Conga" song. It's got a bunch of rats dancing in a conga line and says "Woo Hoo! Conga-rats!" And Maddie loves to open it and hear the music and dance. Now that I've figured out how to get videos on the blog, you might see more of our family in action!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Birthday Girl

Maddie turned two on July 27th!

We had a Curious George party for her. She loves George! ... And the cake, too!

Maddie was showered with gifts from all her aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents!

We tried for a family picture.. and this is the best we got!

She even got a new Curious George DVD! (Thanks Uncle Ben and Aunt Rachael!)