Thursday, June 29, 2006


Maddie's very curious and all about climbing. She's gotten inside the ottoman where we keep DVDs, accidentlly fallen into her toy hamper, and gotten stuck in a trash can. I'm sure I'm disqualified from
"Mom of the Year"
since I ran to get my camera and take pictures before getting her out of these pickles... but aren't the pictures priceless?

Messy Eater

Yummy! Now that I'm trying to feed myself things get pretty messy. But you can see I have two teeth on bottom, and there are two coming in on top, too! Before long I'll be eating ribs and steak with Daddy!

All Smiles

Maddie 11 months and counting

Maddie is 11 months old. She's crawling and walking while holding onto everything. She can stand without holding on... so we know that walking will come soon! She can climb the stairs! She is so into climbing that we got her a toy with a tiny climbing wall, a castle platform, and slide. She can usually slide down pretty well on her own. Sometimes it's not pretty, but she doesn't complain. She is talking up a storm- we just wish we knew what she was saying. She has very definite sounds for Mama, Dada, Indie ("ninny") and Thank You ("tdak du"). She laughs and squeals a lot. She's happy and has made our lives s0 happy, too!

Getting Started

Hi everyone! We have some friends who started a blog like this to post pictures of their new baby. We thought that was cool and have decided to give it a try! Hope you have fun!

Carrie, Q and Maddie.